Change Your Brain, Transform Your Life

I’m on a mission to revolutionize how we think about and experience mental health and therapy. It’s time to do things differently, disrupt what’s outdated, and change your brain!

If things have felt stuck, or never ending, then I’m so glad you’re here!

It’s time to connect for a brain-changing conversation!

As a Psychotherapist and Stand-Up Comedian, I approach therapy and think of mental health differently. See, I believe that if people knew how to talk their way in or out of something, you would have already done it by now! And you wouldn’t need me, or anyone else for that.

I also believe that if I’m the only one who knows how to get that done, that’s not useful. So I’m interested to make sure you know what I know, so that not only you understand how and why our brain responds to things, you then know what to do about it.

Because ultimately, I’m interested in teaching you how to stress-proof and change your brain! And the way we’re doing that is by learning new things and having fun!

That’s what makes all sessions, shows, workshops, and events with me unique!

I’m not interested in you, “feeling your feelings,”
or having weekly lifelong therapy. In fact, I’m thinking those are the things that have been stuck in the first place!

It’s time to be FREE and transform your life!


  • Attend a Live Show

    An Evening With My Therapist™ is a live show using storytelling & humour to create a therapeutic experience to challenge outdated beliefs and stigma surrounding mental health and therapy. If TED Talk and Stand-Up had a child, this show would be it!

  • Book a Session

    Individual & group sessions are a personalized opportunity to experience rapid shifts in perspective while clearing those apps that have been running in the background to then download the latest version of information to update and change the brain.

  • Hire For an Event

    Gather your group for some brain-changing conversations to learn more about how to stress-proof and change the brain! Whether online or in person, expect humour & interactive activities to keep everyone engaged & inspired to update what’s been outdated.

I’m Jaime Armstrong,


As someone who has been a therapist for almost 20 years and has helped over 1,000 people, I can tell you we know more now than we ever have about our brain and what we know is that we can change it! 

Using a gentle, painless, and fun approach to therapy and workshops, I create immediate and lasting change through brain-changing conversations, teaching you how to stress-proof and change your brain.

That means, no more taking the day off after your session or having things to process after a workshop, because interactions with me are designed to use novelty and humour, learning new things and having fun, which is exactly how we change the brain!

So why learn coping skills, which sends a message to your brain that you have to live with and manage something, when we know we can change it! And why have any therapist to do this when you can have one who is also a stand-up comedian!

We change the experience of what’s been troubling so it no longer shows up! And we do that in a gentle and painless way. Leaving you updated and refreshed to experience life in a much more beneficial way!


I use 3 tools to CHANGE your BRAIN!


  • Science

    We know more now than ever about our brain, which is why we now know we can change it. Using neuroscience to make sense of experiences is how you cause that change.

  • Humour

    Our brains change through novelty and play; doing new things and having fun. Using humour, storytelling, & metaphors are powerful and how you experience immediate change.

  • Intuition

    Being in alignment and knowing what’s best for you, creates space to make decisions and do things with ease. Developing your intuition is how you experience lasting change.

I think about therapy a bit different than what I might say is traditional talk therapy…


Ready for some brain changing fun?

Stay Connected!

Let’s Get Started!

Whether it’s for therapy, comedy, or workshops, it’s time to connect for your transformational brain changing experience!