Get Clear, Transform
Your Life.

I provide therapy, groups, workshops, and coaching services that clear and eliminate trauma and mental health in as little as one session using neuroscience, humour, and intuition. 

Individual therapy provides personalized support and strategies to clear what’s been stuck and update the brain to be working in the most optimal and beneficial way.

Each session is intended to resolve the negative impact of unwanted thoughts, feelings, and behaviours while causing immediate and lasting change.

Using humour, storytelling, and neuroscience, sessions teach you how and why your brain does things and then what to do about it to ultimately change your brain. 

All sessions are provided online via video and are effortless, effective, and brain changing for children, teens, and adults.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy clears the impact of:

  • Traumatic Experiences

  • Abuse & Rape

  • Grief Processing

  • Anger & Resentment

Family therapy is an opportunity to make changes within family relationships by enhancing communication, connection, and increased understanding. 

Family therapy is different from couple’s therapy as it focuses on the dynamics between family members to support the overall whole of the family relationship; more than just the intimate romantic one.

This may include support for children, transition of relationships, as well as support navigating changes within dynamics of family structure and as guidance to have difficult conversations.

All sessions are provided online via video and participants can join together or from different locations.

  • Intimate Partner Violence

  • Anxiety & Panic Attacks

  • Postpartum

  • School & Sports Performance

Family Therapy

  • Family Conflict

  • Family Transitions

  • Separation/Divorce

  • Parenting Support

Family therapy is useful to address:

  • Adult Child/Parent Relationships

  • Sibling Relationships

  • Impact of Trauma

  • Strained Friendships

Brain-Based Coaching

Coaching sessions provide a shift in perspective using a brain-based, neuroscience approach.

These sessions differ from psychotherapy sessions because they are more education focused, designed for learning, consulting, and referring purposes. 

Coaching services identify what’s been problematic, sets a clear goal and intention of change, and provides learning to understand the brain with steps on how to cause change.  

These sessions are only available to those residing outside of Ontario and are intended to provide a healing environment that will allow you to make meaningful and immediate changes in your life. 

All sessions are provided online via video and are not covered by extended health benefits.

The Benefits of Coaching

  • Teaches you how to stress-proof your brain

  • Creates meaningful and immediate life changes

  • Accessible for those outside of Ontario

  • Leaves you clear to get more of what is possible and has benefit

  • & More!

Groups & Workshops

Throughout the year I offer options to attend support groups and workshops.

Previous groups include a 6 week, women’s empowerment support group while previous workshops include Understanding The Brain, Clear Conflict and Cause Change, and Introduction to Human Design and Intuition Development.

These intimate experiences are powerful ways to connect with others for brain changing conversations that spark and fuel transformation.  They may be available online and in person.

Requests for private groups and workshops also available. 

The Benefits of Groups & Workshops

  • Social connection and support

  • Learning from others’ experiences

  • Accelerated personal growth

  • Increased clarity and empowerment

Make sure to receive my monthly email to be the first to know when the next group or workshop is available!

These The Most Common Questions People Ask

Here Are Your Answers

  • I specialize and focus in using brain-based and transformative therapy approaches. While I have extensive training in traditional therapeutic models, I specifically use methods from Rapid Resolution Therapy® (RRT) and Emotional Pain Intervention® (EPI).

    RRT is an innovative approach using multi-level communication and specialized tools to resolve emotional disturbance and maladaptive behaviour. Because RRT changes how the unconscious mind processes information, improvements are automatic and lasting. Created by Dr. Jon Connelly, RRT is a fast, painless, and lasting approach for therapy. To learn more please visit Rapid Resolution Therapy.

    Founded by Dr. Elizabeth Michas, EPI® uses neuroscience and transformational psychotherapy to produce rapid results through brain changing conversations. Through education of the brain/mind/body, EPI® empowers you and gives you a new ’makes sense’ understanding of what’s actually going on and what can be done now (even decades after trauma has happened) with intervention to stop the emotional pain, clear and update trauma memories or beliefs. To learn more please visit What is Emotional Pain Intervention (EPI®)?

  • Yes! I provide online sessions for children as young as 3 years old.

    While children 12 years and older may consent and attend their sessions on their own, I recommend an initial meeting with parents and children together to get us started and plan for what sessions look like.

    As sessions are provided online, it's useful to ensure children have a private space for their session. Having paper and something to draw with as well is also helpful as we may use those for activities to learn how to change their brain.

  • No, couple’s counselling is different than family counselling, and is not a service I provide. I am happy to refer to other Clinicians who specialize in this area.

  • Groups vary based on type and topic and are limited to less than 10 participants. The most recent group provided support to women through a 6 week connection which included an experience of guided breathwork, cold plunge, and sauna. The next offered group will occur in the fall. Sign up for emails to be notified when registration becomes available. 

    Workshops differ from groups as these are more informative and interactive learning based experiences for 10 or more participants. Previous topics have included using human design to develop intuition, addressing conflict to change, and understanding the brain. Options to attend workshops are first shared to clients and those on the email list so make sure you add your email to be the first to join!

  • Psychiatrists have medical degrees and are doctors who specialize in mental health. They are able to assess and provide mental health diagnoses, prescribe and monitor medications for mental health, and provide psychotherapy services. Services with a psychiatrist are covered under OHIP.

    Psychologists have masters and doctoral degrees in psychology and provide specialized testing and assessments to diagnose and treat mental health. They are unable to prescribe medications and some, not all, of their services are covered under OHIP.

    Social Workers and Psychotherapists are similar and are both able to provide counselling and therapy services. The difference between the two is related to education and training. Social Workers are well versed in understanding systems and community factors within society and the impact this may have on an individual and their functioning, while Psychotherapists are well versed in understanding human development and applying counselling theories to address change. In Canada, neither Social Workers nor Psychotherapists can diagnose mental health concerns and are not covered under OHIP.

    Regardless of which provider you choose, please ensure they are a licensed/registered provider.

  • All hypnosis is SELF hypnosis.

    It’s better to understand what hypnosis is by understanding what it isn’t. It isn’t being “asleep”, or “put under”, or “unconscious”. Have you ever watched a scary movie and jumped at the scary part? THAT’s a form of hypnosis! You didn’t decide to jump and respond when the creepy music and scary images came on scene, yet you were awake and aware while it was happening! Or how about after you’ve driven home and wondered if you stopped at the lights or the stop sign and didn’t even realize you were home already. THAT’s a form of hypnosis! You weren’t asleep while driving. You were conscious and alert and aware that there are other deeper levels of our brain that work automatically and non-consciously. These are considered hypnotic states of mind. Mediation and mindfulness are all forms of hypnosis, people just don’t call it that.

    Using hypnosis during sessions will help to further the transformation process as it works with all facets of mind for multi-level processing, getting your brain updated and working to your best advantage.

  • All individual, family, and coaching sessions are $275 CAD, regardless of the length. So whether the session is 30 minutes or 90 minutes it’s always the same rate.

    Payments can be made via credit card or e-transfer and a receipt will be emailed for your records at time of payment.

    In recent news, the Canadian government has approved Psychotherapy services to be exempt from HST so that fee no longer applies to individual, family, or group sessions, however continues to apply for coaching and workshop services.

  • Psychotherapy services are not covered under OHIP, and therefore do not require a doctor’s referral to begin.

    Many Extended Health Care benefit plans offer coverage for therapy services, however may specify what type of provider you may receive services from.  With the proclamation of the Psychotherapy Act 2007, Registered Psychotherapists (RP) are now acknowledged as qualified service providers by all insurance companies, however may not have yet been added to your benefits plan.  Please contact your insurance company to inquire if RPs are an approved therapy provider.

    If you are a member of a group benefits plan and RPs are not identified as a mental health service provider, please contact your Plan Administrator to request this be added to your benefits package.

    For more information on what you can do to further support adding RPs to insurance providers, please visit

  • Yes, Registered Psychotherapists appear on the Government of Canada’s list of “Authorized medical practitioners for the purposes of the medical expense tax credit.”  Please check with your tax advisor or accountant with further questions related to claiming this expense for non-reimbursed payments.

  • Free 15-minute consultations are required prior to booking initial appointments. To book a consultation please select a time HERE

  • As a Registered Psychotherapist within Ontario, I am regulated by the CRPO and can provide counselling and psychotherapy services to clients within the Ontario region as well as within provinces that are unregulated. You may find a status list of regulations for each province HERE.

    For those in another regulated province or outside of Canada, brain-based coaching services may be of benefit. To learn more and schedule a consultation click HERE.

  • The ease of using online video counselling sessions makes psychotherapy services convenient, comfortable, and more accessible. No more travelling to see me, finding a place you’ve never been, worrying about driving in bad weather, or rushing to make an appointment! 

    To access video therapy sessions you need a device (computer, tablet, or phone) and access to the internet. There’s no need to download anything as the video platform used is within a PHIPA electronic record system accessed through a web link and logged in through your client portal. Multiple people can participate even when in different locations.

    Some helpful tips for video sessions are to ensure you have privacy and are in comfortable seating that is different from your bed or in your bedroom with somewhere to place your device to be supported so you can be hands free. Using headphones or earbuds may also be useful to centre the sound and keep sessions private.

Ready for transformational change?
Let’s get started today!

Book your initial phone call now to begin your
powerful, therapeutic experience!